News about Mineralanalytik - english only!
![Mineralanalytik under attack!](/images/pliers-1031982_1280.jpg#joomlaImage://local-images/pliers-1031982_1280.jpg?width=1280&height=853)
Mineralanalytik under attack!
We have been under attack for 2 years now. - intoxication between 22 October - 22 November 2022, with either neurotoxic compound or hormones (testosterone and dopamine deficiency) - mumps virus including bilateral orchitis (2x vaccinated) supporting a laboratory origin of the virus - infection (2014) with contagious virus? bacteria? resulting in biofilm formation of the nasal cavities. Pseudomonas Putida - detected by MALDI-TOF - remains incurable for the moment. - XRD program deleted via remote - Raman Laser unaligned and change of the offset value - configuration of the inspection microscope deleted (MTB tools) - several routers and security cameras were turned off or manipulated - a criminal network of persons promoting the success of selected persons and sabotaging others has already resulted in person and in physical damage Happy new year to everyone and #StandwithUkraine! We would like to inform all our customers, that we had some serious issues in the recent past with someone deleting apps via remote from a measurement computer and manipulation of our windows computer of our Raman spectrometer. We give our best to maintain our services! Thanks for the great support in 2023 and all the donations via gofundme! The institute was created with your support close to my residential area Bad Homburg, Germany. Someone has not only deleted the measurement program from our XRD via remote, but also reset the Zeiss microscope configuration. Another computer was accessed and a glass plate with standard was broken. I am continuing the work and hope we will keep this business alive for all mineralogists and other companies that frequently use our services for material analysis and quality control. The issues have been fixed, but this should not be an "all day job" to care about security issues. At this point the positive message is, that I can exclude any personal incompetence and see someone manipulating and messing up things for whatever reason! This article serves as documentation of the recent progress/history of Mineralanalytik. Follow up the about Mineralanalytik section, if you like to learn more about us and our development: 05817610017056496678377.jpg Mineralanalytik business rooms Business rooms in September 2023. In 2014 I got several severe infections that remain uncured till today. One is chronic rhinosinusitis and MALDI-TOF analysis was pseudomonas putida. Another one affects the intestines with symptoms similar to ergot poisoning. In 2022 there was an assault that resulted in dopamine deficiency and I had a viral infection similar to mumps including bilateral orchitis. If untreated dopamine deficiency results in hypogonadism. Scintigraphy of the dopamine areas will be made in order to confirm this severe crime. Again it should be stated that that such a criminal behavior should not be tolerated. It remains questionable whether the motivation was between competing mineral collectors, dealers or scientists or other interests. The local police has been notified and is supporting the resolution of this case. Update 03/2024: Before visiting the cinema there was an assault involving a substance like “paraquate/rotenone” that was added to a drink. Severe burn of the throat was the result. The dopamine system might have been affected. Update 09.02.2024: Someone has deleted the restore point from the Keyence VHX 7000 digital microscope and set up one that is incompatible with the good old version. Only newer versions of the VHX 7000 program are now compatible resulting in a bit more noise of the image: 07405220017074453598357.jpg Keyence Version difference Update 01.04.2024: Happy Easter to the mindat community. Unfortunately somebody got access to the our lab again and manipulation continues. The HV cable of our powder diffractometer was degreased and arc noise could be heared at 40kV. The short-cut of our Raman software was linking to an older software version and we need to check our cables and the breaker box, because for some reason the fuses are now switching off very likely once the cable is plugged in the socket. My health condition is constantly bad since October 2023: Thinking and organizing became more difficult since then. One possibility could be that I came involuntary in contact with some neurotoxic substances (pesticides) that affects the dopamine receptors and reduced the overall free dopamine level in the brain. A PET scan is planned to confirm this assumption. On 26th of September a talk with a specialist confirmed my assumption of dopamine deficiency. Lab chemical test of a metabolite of dopamine has been performed, results follow soon. Update 20.06.2024: Important calls are blocked systematically. Several items containing sensivite data have been removed (camera, backup data, lights). Contents shipped overseas is removed from the parcel without any notification on the buyer or seller side and no notification by customs. Update 28.06.2024: During the cleaning process of my personal rooms, the cleaning staff shut down the LTE router and some technical issues were observed. Update 19.07.2024: It is necessary now to take neuroleptic medication now every two days since somebody has affected my health. Without them I have numbness in my skin, no taste and loss of any feelings. I am having PET scan soon to confirm this hypothesis of dopamine deficiency. Update 29.07.2024: Someone has manipulated the network configuration at our old business location. The IP address in use was somewhere in Saarland, Germany (not somewhere in Hesse!) and websites were not building up in time. Issue fixed... for the moment. Update 20.09.2024: Somebody accessed the Raman spectrometer software via remote and changed the spectrometer settings. The spectra for all gratings was shifted by the offset value of 5000 (this value was changed during the attack in the configuration setting). I could readjust the 785nm laser by slightly adjusting the laser mirror. The system is now again in specs. Material, that got lost/missing during the last years (will be updated): - Nissonite - Boss mine, NV, USA ~10 A4 flats - Pt minerals (unpolished samples) from South Africa ~ 5-10 flats - Rouaite specimens boxed 3x4 and 5x8cm with xls - Markey (Theresmagnanite, Feynmanite), BL material - North Star material including a good find of utahite and pararaisaite - some Lengenbach material that was EPMA analysed (ex H. Geuer) - Heisenbergite, Menzenschwand - material from the Pacajake mine, Bolivia (selenides) - Lauraniite, Laurani mine, Bolivia - Zairite (Bolivia), Markcooperite and good khinite (Bird Nest Drift) - Gallobeudantite, Tsumeb - perhamite/iangreyite flat, Silver Coin mine, NV, USA - pucherite samples from the Pucher shaft, Germany if you should encounter this material and think this could be ex Mineralanalytik material, please do not hesitate to contact us. My collection and mineral stock will never be sold to any private person as I will gift it to my friend S. Koch in case if there should be a serious health issue on my side. Update 11.09.2024: Motion detector sensor was turned off from a camera protecting my private rooms. Somebody is aware of a health problem that causes splenic thrombosis and subsequently causes other thrombosis in my body. After several restaurant visits cardiovascular issues occured. I can not exclude somebody taking advantage of this serious health condition. Hormonal changes are sometimes observed and side effect. If there should be someone doing the same type of business in the future replacing my company, bear in mind that there might has been some criminal background. This is speculative but should serve as a protection for my person and business. Update 09.2024: Bruker D8 PXRD was successfully installed. Newwave Laser Ablation UP213 repaired. Stefan Koch, diploma in geo sciences, starts working for Mineralanalytik soon. Update 10.2024: Several problems with moldy beans inside the coffee machine were detected and I became again immunocompromised. Investigation follows. Mineralanalytik is still under attack, but no claims. If there was at least a claim, things would probably become easier. The coffee machine contained some medication that decreases the hypophysis/thyroid under function as symptoms like Obstipation, cold feet occured. There is no reason not to run the business as long as there is no clear claim from a person/institution not do so. Update 11.2024: Today I got the lab results confirming dopamine deficiency by homovanilline acid in urine. This confirms the hypothesis that I have been intoxicated during the period October and November 2022 by a neurotoxic compound after visiting the US/ Dr Travis Olds. Back in Germany I was intoxicated by likely a neurotoxic compound likely damaging the substantia nigra. One assumption could be that I was expected to leave Germany and not be a thread to a person with similar interests in this scientific field. You can only hope that none of us collectors is the victim of a person whose interest in minerals is too serious (it is a hobby! and only rocks!; there are plenty of other scientific fields that are of greater importance like eg medicine, fundamental research) and all of this is the result of networking, but this remains speculation and time will reveal things. If things should become even worse, I will make my final decision and change the field of interests. In 2023 Alex Earl passed after visiting him in 2022, he was of importance and would have worked in the scientific field of minerals if he still was alive. -
![Mineralanalytik - now on https/SSL!](/images/social.png#joomlaImage://local-images/social.png?width=512&height=512)
Mineralanalytik - now on https/SSL!
Mineralanalytik update. Due to spam via our server we decided to remove some functions of the Website. ***Update2*** Mineralanalytik is now on https with SSL. This should give mobile end users now the opportunity to visit Mineralanalytik with browsers that were restricted to https. ***Update1*** Some images have been resized to increase the loading speed of the website
Zincostottite IMA approved! Finally the Zn analogue of stottite was IMA approved. The work was challenging: EPMA results showed clear Zn dominanc but basic refinement of the Zn position was giving a Fe close to Zn. A more sophisticated refinement (QCCP) of the position proved helpful and gave finally the corresponding refinement results in accordance with the microprobe results. Thanks to Dr. A. Kampf for his great work!
Installation of the Bruker D8 high resolution diffractometer completed. Many thanks for the donations that have been so far made via This is an improvement since we have used a benchtop diffractometer with limited 2Theta resolution @600W. With the Bruker D8 we will be able to do better Rietveld refinement and can run multiple samples over the night.
![Slottaite - The Phosphate Analogue of Oberwolfachite approved!](/images/asdfd.png#joomlaImage://local-images/asdfd.png?width=1184&height=780)
Slottaite - The Phosphate Analogue of Oberwolfachite approved!
Very happy to see the phosphate analogue of Oberwolfachite: Slottaite! Carsten initially sent a specimen in 04/2022 to us that was identified as the phosphate analogue. When it was identified as a new mineral Carsten handed the specimen over to the Czech Institute for Physics and Jakub Plášil and other researchers started working on it as a new mineral. Congratulations to Carsten Slotta for his new Clara mineral!
![Welcome on board, Stefan Koch!](/images/vorstellungen.jpg#joomlaImage://local-images/vorstellungen.jpg?width=416&height=673)
Welcome on board, Stefan Koch!
We are happy to welcome Stefan Koch - M.Sc. (diploma) geo sciences soon at Mineralanalytik. He will be a great enrichment with his expertise in analytical expertise and networking capabilities. During his previous employments at the laboratory of DSEF and his diploma in geo sciences he acquired knowledge in the fields: Raman spectroscopy, EPMA WDS, XRF analysis and FT-IR, VIS spectroscopy.
![Karlseifertite - IMA approved](/images/Macrofotografie/image.png#joomlaImage://local-images/Macrofotografie/image.png?width=1184&height=886)
Karlseifertite - IMA approved
A new mineral of the alunite group with Ga found in the germanite bearing ore (ex Joachim Seifert, ex Karl Seifert). Armin Schöler (eshop minerals) and Mineralanalytik were lucky to buy the collection of Karl Seifert, mining engineer at the Tsumeb mine, Namibia. The mineral honours Karl Seifert who was a successful mining engineer in Namibia and Germany and passionate mineral collector. We are happy that a new mineral among the other unique Ga,Ge bearing minerals from the Tsumeb mine, Namibia was approved.
![Pabellondepicaite approved!](/images/pabellondepicaite.png#joomlaImage://local-images/pabellondepicaite.png?width=698&height=295)
Pabellondepicaite approved!
Pabellondepicaite approved! Related to bojarite, chanabayaite, and triazolite, all of which contain the 1,2,4-triazole ring. It appears to be the first triazolate-nitrate and the second ammine-nitrate mineral (after shilovite) (pending confirmation)
![Désorite - IMA approved and published!](/images/Desorite.png#joomlaImage://local-images/Desorite.png?width=1280&height=964)
Désorite - IMA approved and published!
"The name désorite honours Joy Désor (b. 1990), for his tireless analytical work on mineral unknowns, which has led to the discovery and description of the new minerals ammoniotinsleyite, bojarite, oberwolfachite, oldsite, theuerdankite and hanauerite. Joy did the initial work that suggested that the new mineral described herein could be new. At Joy’s suggestion, the name désorite also honours his noteworthy ancestor Pierre Jean Édouard Désor (1811–1882), a Swiss geologist and professor at Neuchâtel Academy the University of Neuchâtel). He was a colleague of Louis Agassiz, among others. His studies on paleontology and glacial phenomena in Europe and North America are of particular note. He was a collaborator on the geological survey of the Lake Superior mineral district in the USA. ( (accessed on 2 February 2024)." [1] [1] Kampf, A.R.; Möhn, G.; Ma, C. Désorite, Pb2(Fe3+6Zn)O2(PO4)4(OH)8, a New Phosphate Mineral Isotypic with Jamesite. Minerals 2024, 14, 175.
![Our new home! - Relocation of Mineralanalytik scientific research institute](/images/Macrofotografie/labor-small.jpg#joomlaImage://local-images/Macrofotografie/labor-small.jpg?width=700&height=525)
Our new home! - Relocation of Mineralanalytik scientific research institute
We are moving our lab, previously located at our home address, to a new location with a signifcant better working environment.
Very interesting new find from the Tsumeb mine, Namibia: Abellaite as tiny colourless hexagonal platelets up to 40um diameter on germanite-chalcocite matrix. Other minerals associated are thenardite and tsumgallite. Armin Schöler eshop minerals & Joy Desor Mineralanalytik / Mineral Identification Service specimen. SEM-EDS & Raman confirmed.
![Naalasite - IMA Approved!](/images/20230811_141521%20Kopie231.jpg#joomlaImage://local-images/20230811_141521 Kopie231.jpg?width=1194&height=864)
Naalasite - IMA Approved!
Naalaasite, the Al analogue of Nafeasite, has been recently IMA approved. We are happy that this is another success story of good collaboration with mineral specialist Gerhard Möhn and crystallographer Dr. Anthony Kampf (NHM, Los Angeles, CA). The mineral forms almost colourless crystals with triangular crystal faces. The Torrecillas mine/Chile, known for many unusual arsenates/hydrogren-arsenates, is type locality. Kampf, A.R., Möhn, G., Ma, C. and Désor, J. (2023) Naalasite, IMA 2023-027. CNMNC Newsletter 74; Mineralogical Magazine, 87,
![Crowdfunding - Relocation of Mineralanalytik scientific research institute](/images/Macrofotografie/4351467.jpg#joomlaImage://local-images/Macrofotografie/4351467.jpg?width=2000&height=2000)
Crowdfunding - Relocation of Mineralanalytik scientific research institute
For the relocation of our company, that has contributed to Mineralogy and Crystallography by the description of numerous new minerals in the past, we appreciate any donation that helps us to build up the new lab. The most recent new minerals identified at Mineralanalytik, that have been IMA approved recently, are gysinite-(Ce) and theuerdankite. We would like to continue our work and do even better with more knowledge and better working environment. We have set up a donation campaign on gofund .me The donations will help us to reinstall our diffractometers, electron microscopes, EPMA, Raman spectrometers and other lab equipment that is needed for realization of this mineralogical institute at its new location, as well as for workshops that help to improve our knowledge of single crystal diffraction and Rietveld refinement. Any donation is welcome! Image by storyset on Freepik
![Theuerdankite & Gysinite-Ce - IMA approved](/images/Macrofotografie/theuer.jpg#joomlaImage://local-images/Macrofotografie/theuer.jpg?width=750&height=500)
Theuerdankite & Gysinite-Ce - IMA approved
Recently the silver arsenat mineral theuerdankite has been IMA approved (Copyright M. Groß, Lengede) It occurs in dark mm-sized crystals with native silver and iodargyrite and was found at the Theuerdank mine, St. Andreasberg, Harz, Germany. Gysinite-Ce, another sample provided by M. Groß from the Theuerdank mine, was IMA approved as well. It occurs as tiny sub-mm sized crystals of orange colour. Thanks for the contribution, M. Groß!
![EDS Mapping: Enhanced Data Illustration](/images/sem%20photos/Cupro_EDS_map_gross%201.jpg#joomlaImage://local-images/sem photos/Cupro_EDS_map_gross 1.jpg?width=1000&height=781)
EDS Mapping: Enhanced Data Illustration
In a project with physicist M. Noller we achieve significant image improvement of images from EDS mapping. Click on "read more" to see RAW vs. Processed enhancement.
This find will be part of a documentary about the tourist mine Silberhardt mine, Windeck, Germany in german television soon.
A new find from the 1997 re-opened Silberhardt mine for tourists near Windeck, Germany: Pale Katerinopoulosite intergrown with greenish-blue ktenasite. The material has been SEM-EDS, Raman and microdiffraction confirmed. Material was provided by the german collector S. Hupfer. Thanks for the contribution!
Nitrogen peak is located between C and O Peak, but was not quantified.
![Joomla 4.x and PHP 8.1 Update](/images/code-g3511e5598_640.jpg#joomlaImage://local-images/code-g3511e5598_640.jpg?width=640&height=359)
Joomla 4.x and PHP 8.1 Update
We had several issues with our website when our webhoster updated PHP to 8.1.
We decided to update our CMS system because end of support is near. We ran into some incompatibility issues and some functions are not working yet: If you used our webshop before, you need to register as a new customer. German site is in better condition, but we will fix the english version soon.
![Keyence VHX-7000 - 4K Light Microscope](/images/keyence_Kopie.jpg#joomlaImage://local-images/keyence_Kopie.jpg?width=900&height=679)
Keyence VHX-7000 - 4K Light Microscope
The Keyence VHX-7000 is a real workhorse and offers high image quality at an enormous working speed: The device is a milestone in the development of Keyence's digital microscope series.
![Oldsite - Published!](/images/oldsite2.jpg#joomlaImage://local-images/oldsite2.jpg?width=922&height=795)
Oldsite - Published!
Discovered during research at Mineralanalytik Scientific lab, handed over for description to J. Plášil, named after Dr. Travis Olds (Carnegie Museum, PA, USA).
The research team that discovered and described Oldsite includes Dr. Jakub Plášil from the Czech Republic’s Institute of Physics ASCR, Dr. Anthony R. Kampf of the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County, Dr. Chi Ma of California Institute of Technology, and German mineralogist Joy Desor.
Plášil, J., Kampf, A., Ma, C., & Desor, J. (2022). Oldsite, K2Fe2 [(UO2)(SO4)2]2(H2O)8, a new uranyl sulfate mineral from Utah, USA: Its description and implications for the formation and occurrences of uranyl sulfate minerals. Mineralogical Magazine, 1-9. doi:10.1180/mgm.2022.106